swadesh pal

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Landing Page

React js

Vite Js

Tailwind CSS


Responsive Design

A landing page is a specialized web page designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. It highlights key information with a clean, engaging design, and features a compelling call-to-action. Its primary goal is to capture user interest and encourage them to take a specific action, such as signing up or visit our page

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Home page UI

React js

vite js

Tailwind CSS


Framer Motion

A Home page UI is a specialized web page designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. It highlights key information with a clean, engaging design, and smooth animation. Its primary goal is to capture user interest and encourage them to take a specific action, such as signing up or visit our page

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Email Authentication

MERN stack

Tailwind css




Email authentication website uses email and password for user registration and login. Upon registration, users receive a verification link sent to their registered email. Clicking this link confirms their account, ensuring security and validity. This process protects user data and prevents unauthorized access.User have to upload their photo and choose interest while registering

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e-comerce website

MERN stack

Tailwind css

redux toolkit

forkik - yup



E-commerce website facilitates online shopping by offering a wide range of products. Users can browse, search,filter, and purchase items securely. Features include product descriptions, reviews, a shopping cart, and secure payment options. Efficient navigation and personalized recommendations enhance the shopping experience, making it convenient and user-friendly.

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CFI JGEC website

Next js 13

Material UI

Framer Motion

The Center for Innovation website is our college's platform for showcasing the club's activities and achievements. As a developer, I help present the club's innovative projects and events to the public. The website aims to inspire creativity and collaboration among students, encouraging them to join and show their innovative ideas to the nation

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SRISTI Techfest website

Next js

Tailwind css


SRISTI is our college's tech fest, a celebration of innovation and technology. As the team leader, I assembled a team of six passionate individuals. Together, we developed a dynamic and engaging website that beautifully showcases all events, complete with detailed descriptions, rules, participant information, and highlights of winners.Our goal is to capture the spirit of SRISTI and inspire excitement and participation in this remarkable event.

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Sport Card Design

Next js 14

Tailwind CSS


Sports card website is an online platform where collectors buy, sell, and trade sports cards. It offers a wide range of cards featuring athletes from various sports, detailed listings, and secure transactions. The site often includes forums, price guides, and community features to enhance the collector experience.

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textUtils website

React js


TextUtils website is a font end web application where user can do several operations like uppercase letters, lowercase letters, copy text, delete extra spaces on input text.

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Invoice Generator

MERN stack


redux toolkit


Tailwind CSS


flowbite react

Invoice generator simplifies billing by creating professional invoices quickly and accurately. Users first create an account and log in. Then add product details by entering the product name, quantity, and price. Finally, the tool generates an invoice for these products, download the invoice also.

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Doctor's appointment

MERN stack



Doctor's appointment website enables patients to schedule appointments with healthcare professionals online. Users can browse available doctors, view their specialties, and select convenient appointment slots.

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weather reports

React js



Node js

express js


Weather report website provides up-to-date weather information, including current conditions like temperature, weather conditions, wind speed, humidity etc.User can check their weather reports by searching their city name

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NSS JGEC website

React js

Tailwind css

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is our college's NSS Club website, where I work as a front-end developer. The website showcases the club's work to the nation and encourages young people to join the community. It highlights various activities, projects, and events organized by the club, inspiring youth participation and engagement.

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HungerHub App

React Native

Styled Components


node js

express js


HungerHub is a food delivery app using React Native. Here user first have to create their account then they can choose various food or filter them by catagories. Cart their products and place their products. Though this is not yet fully completed.

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News website

React js


News api

News website delivers timely updates and in-depth coverage on current events. It features diverse categories, from politics and technology to entertainment and sports, ensuring comprehensive reporting.

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advance to-do list

React js

responsive design

Advance to-do list website helps users organize tasks efficiently. It offers features like task creation, categorization, deadlines, and reminders. With a clean interface, it enhances productivity by allowing users to prioritize and track their progress, ensuring nothing important is forgotten.

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Weather Reports




Weather api

Weather report website provides up-to-date weather information, including current conditions like temperature, weather conditions, wind speed, humidity etc.User can check their weather reports by searching their city name

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Music website




Music player website allows users to stream and enjoy music. It features a user-friendly interface, customizable playlists, play-pause, repeat-shuffle and search functionality to explore diverse songs.Also dark and light feature is available

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Portfolio website




My first portfolio website make using HTML,CSS and javascript. Overall website is responsive and user friendly. Dark and light mode also available

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Calculator website provides users with various calculation tools, basic arithmetic. It's designed for quick, accurate calculations, featuring a user-friendly interface.